

Legal Notes

While we have done everything possible to avoid errors or incorrect information, they may be present. In addition, it is sometimes difficult to put concepts or visions into words. No one should feel that this material is absolute. Nor should people, as Allen Watts said, “get caught in the words.”

We do have a responsibility to be sure that what we have prepared is the best that it can be. Accordingly, we request the following: Errors, omissions, recommended changes, improvements, comments, etc. should be forwarded to us for consideration. With your help, this website will continue to improve.

You are encouraged to freely use this material and add to or comment on what is here, but please make it clear what is from here and what is yours. The material on this website may be freely copied, but we request that the website (www.SerendipitySeminars.com) be included so that others can come here if they want more information. Our CDs can be downloaded or ordered from the Internet. They can also be ordered from the authors. The CDs may be used the same as our other materials. (Please be sure to reference this website or www.2012NBeyond.com) It is our intent to support and not restrict the work of others. If you have any questions, please Contact Us.


We do not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a physician. The intent of the authors is to help you in your quest for emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. In the event that you use any of the information on this website for yourself, which is your right, the authors assume no responsibility for your actions. Every attempt has been made by us to honestly relate our personal experience and to assure that this information is accurately presented. However, each person must decide what is valuable and proceed accordingly. We make no claim that what has worked for us or others will necessarily work for someone else. In addition, we assume no responsibility for actions taken as a result of the presentation or use of this information by others.

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