
Future Self

A powerful tool is to communicate with our Future Self. It is good to repeat this meditation from time to time especially when looking for guidance. Our Future Self is able to speak to us in ways that can slip by our barriers and reach us. Whether this is actually our Future Self, a projection of our Superconscious, or some other manifestation of Spirit does not really matter. What matters is the usefulness of the communication. There is an element of timing about this meditation. When the timing is not right, we may not have a clear connection. If this happens, try again at another time. Here is the method:


Go into meditation


Visualize your Future Self as standing in front of you.

Ask that this be your Future Self at whatever time is the most useful for you, or you can specify the time (for example, in one, five, or ten years.)


Ask if your Future Self has anything to tell you.


You can also ask questions.

Listen, feel, and look carefully at your inner senses. Remember that there are at least five inner senses that correspond to the outer senses (sight, feeling, hearing, smelling, and tasting). You may get information via more than one sense, so pay attention and check all of them.


Be grateful, and thank your Future Self.


Just open your eyes when you are ready to come out of meditation.


Near the end of the meditation, you may have the sensation of not knowing which you are, the present you, or your Future Self. It can be a bit like merging. This can be a confirmation that the Future Self is a part of you.


The authors were introduced to this mediation at a conference with Jean Huston. The results were significant for Gale and using this meditation at other times has also had amazing results.


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